Electronics parts are also as prone to malfunctions and breakdowns as any other machinery. And when your electronics stop working, it can be difficult to know what to do about it. The same factors that make them so precise and efficient on the job also make them intricate and complex devices to repair. Cellnfra exists for this very reason. We provide Testing and repair services for an array of industrial electronic equipment and keep you informed throughout the whole process.
You know the parts and equipment you need to run an efficient operation. With our electronic sales and services department, you can get everything you require for quick replacements and repairs. You’ll have the capacity to turn an emergency into something you can handle without loss. Plus, as more components become hot-swappable, we’ll help you get the surplus industrial equipment and parts you need to avoid any shutdown of your lines.
Experience in maintenance and repairs of industrial and electronic equipment have led us to have a broad inventory of parts and full equipment to help you expand, adapt to new markets or replace mission-critical parts that have experienced a complete failure.Not only are these the parts and replacements we use in our repair and maintenance services, but we also provide them to you so you can have the spares or replacements you need on your sites.